Clinical Prescribing Services
Our Services
Our Services
There are widespread reports that patients nationally are finding it increasingly difficult to access GP services. GPs report that they are under growing pressure as a result of an increase in volume and clinical workload. Fewer doctors are choosing to undertake full-time employment in general practice – large numbers are retiring or leaving for alternative specialities.
This all adds up to a perfect storm with a service under enormous pressure, facing a recruitment and retention crisis.
Remote Triage Service
The Remote Triage Service is a telephone triage managed by Advanced Prescribing Clinical Pharmacists that deal with the common patient medication related issues aiming at improving quality as well as delivering cost saving initiatives for the Practice.
Providing face-2-face appointment for Minor Aliments clinics, Chronic disease management clinics, and Medication Reviews in Polypharmacy Clinics – STOPP (screening tool for older people’s potentially inappropriate prescriptions)/START (screening tool to alert doctors to right/appropriate treatments) identified patients.
Face-to-Face meetings
Remote Triage Service for Patients
The Remote Triage Service is a telephone triage managed by Advanced Prescribing Clinical Pharmacists that deal with the common patient issues:
- Medication and prescription queries
- Actioning clinical letters (updating medicines, issuing blood forms and Hospital Discharge issues
- Medication reviews (including annual, contraceptive and ad hoc reviews like Depression medication)
- Care/nursing homes medication queries
- Preparation/Issuing MED3’s after a Patient consultation.
Delivers 3 Critical Outcomes
- Save Money-Efficiency Savings for the GPs and the Practice
- Save time-Less reliance on traditional consultation methods.
- Delivering Quality- Using Clinical Prescribing Pharmacists in their area of expertise.
Benefits to Patients
- Improving access for housebound and working patients
- Greater patient convenience and accessibility
- More appointments availability
- Improving quality
Remote Triage Service for Practices
The Remote Triage Service also helps to achieve practice targets and deliver cost saving initiatives:
- QIPP / Cost saving initiatives (de-prescribing, effective medication management adherence and prescription switching)
- PCCF/PDS audits
- QOF Targets
Benefits to Practices
- Improved Family and Friends scores
- Significant reduction in GP locum costs
- Frees-up limited consultation rooms
- Reach appointment targets
- Achieve PCCF/PDS targets
- Achieve QOF
- Innovative patient care
- Same day response for all urgent queries
Benefits to Practices
- Opportunity to commission a practice pharmacist from as little as an hour a day
- Genuinely meets the working at scale agenda
- Staff available 8-6 Mon-Fri irrespective of session time/length
- Freed up telephone capacity for practices
- Fulfilling target areas such as long term conditions